Make the Preparations and Reap the Rewards

Gomel and Advisor’s goal is to maximize our clients’ savings by taking advantage of federal and state incentives and credits.

These programs can be cumbersome at times and require a competent tax consultant to maximize savings and reduce risk.

Participating in these programs will allow our clients to improve cash flow and recognize savings that can be invested back into the business.

These programs are available to a multitude of industries and individuals.

Some of the available programs:

  • Alternative Fuel and Energy

  • Work Opportunity Credits

  • Opportunity Zone Tax Incentives

  • Section 199A Qualified Business Income Deduction

  • Georgia Film Tax Credit

  • Low-Income Housing Credit

  • Cost Segregation Analysis

Gomel and Advisors will be happy to review your potential tax savings and qualification status free of charge allowing you to see your savings before spending any money with us.

Individuals and business who have previously taken advantage of tax credits and incentives should not be deterred from our review due to missed opportunities and oversight.

We want our clients to feel confident in knowing that they have successfully taken advantage of every credit and incentive available. 

Contact Gomel and Advisors to learn more about how you and your business can utilize tax credits and incentives.

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